Most people prefer to keep the wet and the dry areas of their bathroom separate. So, your washbasin and your area must be separated if you do not want the water to splash on the side where the basin is. Shower enclosures usually have a railing and curtains around the bathing area so that the rest of the washroom can be free of any splashbacks.
A shower enclosure can be of various types they could be an enclosure with glass panels and a sliding door or a door with a pivot. If you wish to know more about shower enclosures, you must discuss with a shower enclosure manufacturer.
In most cases, the floor area of the washroom is a major limitation for the placement of the shower enclosure. If the washroom’s floor space is small, you must buy a shower enclosure that is small in size and has only one opening. For small washrooms, the enclosure will most likely be placed at one corner of the washroom, with the two walls of the washroom being edges of the enclosure. However, if space is not a constraint, you can buy an enclosure with two openings, as it can even be placed anywhere and not necessarily at the corner of the washroom.
Most people think that rectangular or square is the only shape for a shower enclosure; however, shower enclosures can also be spiral in shape. These fancy enclosures take up slightly more space than a regular square or rectangular enclosure. So, if space is not a concern and if aesthetics matter to you, you can always go for a spiral shower enclosure.
The ingress or the entry into the shower enclosure can be through a Dutch door, a rotating door, or a sliding door. Again, the available floor space will be important in determining the type of ingress or entry. So, typically, pivot doors provide more luxurious space for entry.
The type of shower tray determines how the water drains out of your washroom. A raised shower tray is the easiest way to connect to the shower drainage system of the house. Apart from the placement of the shower tray, the material from which the tray is made is also an important consideration.
A shower enclosure is no longer limited to fancy washrooms in luxurious mansions even simple houses can have these enclosures. However, buying the right enclosure is important as you cannot make changes once installed in your washroom. So, before you purchase, consider the make, cost, shape, material, and ingress type of the shower enclosure.
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